Registration info 注册须知

Registration info 注册须知

2024-2025学年计划开展实体授课,如遇特殊情况,将考虑网络授课。In-person classes are planned for the 2024-2025 school year. Online courses will be offered under special circumstances.


A special option for online classes is offered for Grade 9 to 10. These classes are online only, and the time for classes will be jointly decided by the teacher and registered students for that class.


To register for a Chinese class, please follow the instructions below.

第一步:网上填写课程注册表 2024-2025 Chinese Class Registration

STEP 1: Fill in the registration form here 2024-2025 Chinese Class Registration


网上银行缴纳学费使用Zelle支付给 “Yinghua Chinese School” 通过邮箱地址 请备注您的孩子的英文名或者将支付给"YingHua Language School" 的支票寄到以下地址:

               P.O. Box 3004, Princeton, NJ 08543-3004


STEP 2: Pay the tuition online through Zelle to “Yinghua Chinese School” through email: Please remember to include your child's name in the info box. Or send a check payable to "YingHua Language School" to the following address:

              P.O. Box 3004, Princeton, NJ 08543-3004

Please make sure to include your registration email when paying your tuition, which will help us to update your payment history on time.

2024-2025 Tuition Explanation 学费说明

Total Fee is $630. 所有学杂费共计 $630。

Tuition Fee 学费 - $480

Book Fee 教材材料费 - $70: Text book, exercise book, access to online homework, and other teaching material fee. 教材,练习册,在线作业及其他教学相关材料费。

Refundable Parent Duty Fee 家长执勤押金 - $50: This will be refunded if parents participated in volunteering activities. 家长积极参与执勤和义务劳动后将退还。

Registration Fee 注册费 - $30: There is a $30 registration fee for each student. 每个学生缴纳$30注册费



Discounts 各项优惠

To register for culture classes, please follow the instructions below.


[待更新 To be updated]